December 2023
Havant Civic Society Reflections on Langstone Sea Wall drop-in sessionHavant Civic Society Reflections on Langstone Sea Wall drop-in session
August 2023
Spring 2023
December 2022
We now have confirmation the strength of feeling expressed by the community resulted in Langstone remaining part of the St Faiths Ward.
Havant Borough Council - Final Recommendations on the new electoral arrangements
January 2022
A joint LRA/LVA group met with the Project Team for the above proposal, virtually, on the 5 January.
A note of the meeting has been prepared and is attached. It is a rather lengthy document at 4 pages and 'heavy going'! However, the site owners will be submitting an Outline Planning Application to Havant Borough Council next month, so it is important we benefit from this further information when commenting formally on the Application.
The essential message is the scheme has the support of the Local Authority, is a plan to be implemented over a 10-year period and seeks to re-focus the employment type to one of high technology users. The suggestion made is there will be less people working on the site and therefore less traffic generation. The Technical Team are setting ambitious targets, but the weakness is the inability of the Owner to guarantee the type and quality of prospective occupants of the site.
This message is important. Please read the associated letter and visit the Virtual Consultation.
Langstone Park Consultation Letter
Langstone Park Virtual Consultation
July 2021
SOUTHMERE FIELD - Planning Objection Letter.
October 2020
May 2020
April 2020
Langstone Good Neighbours Network
LGNN Food Bank/Donation Communique
February 2020
Southmoor footpath closure
The recent high winds and tide action has resulted in further significant erosion of Footpath 45. The County Council has decided the path is now too dangerous to use and has closed the affected section. It is unclear what, if any, remedial actions are planned.
January 2020
Langstone Sea Defence proposals
The Langstone sea defence proposals, promoted by the Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership (ESCP) is causing considerable anguish to members living close to the "at risk" shore line. You will have seen various flyers and pamphlets.
Langstone Brochure 2019 - Save Our Shore
December 2019
Havant Borough Local Plan
Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 Pre-Submission Plan
August 2019
The Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership has continued to investigate options for improving Langstone's sea defences. Work with Stakeholders has produced an Options Plan for our exposed coastline. The Report, with indicative costings, is set out below, together with some supporting information. Subject to comments from the local community by mid October, the ESCP will begin more detailed designs and then submit their ideas to the Environment Agency/DEFRA seeking funding for works to be implemented in 2022/2023. The LRA/LVA are working on a positive response. All comments are useful and may be made directly to ESCP or the Residents' Associations.
July 2019
Asian Hornets
Asian Hornets - Description/Alert and Similar Species
Asian Hornets - LRA Alert
April 2019
LRA AGM 2019
LRA AGM 2019 - Invitation and Agenda
March 2019
Survey - Impacts of Coastal Flooding and Erosion on Hayling Island and the Wider Borough Economy
The Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership are working as part of Havant Borough Council, to carry out an economic footprint study for Hayling Island.
Working with professional consultants AECOM, we have developed a short questionnaire to help understand both the direct and indirect impacts of coastal flooding and erosion on Hayling Island and the wider borough economy.
The majority of Hayling Island is low-lying, with a history of serious flood incidents. There are a variety of different coastal defences around the island, of which a high proportion have a low residual life without further maintenance, varying in condition from ‘poor to good’.
The outputs of this survey will be used to identify the wider economic benefits to help justify potential future Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management measures on the island.
We are particularly interested to hear from you if you are a resident, business owner or visitor to the island.
Please follow the link to complete the short survey. The survey will be live until Monday 15th April 2019.
More information on the work the Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership do, can be found on their website.
February 2019
HCC Roadworks (15/02/2019) important notice
Hayling Island Residents Association Save Our Island Video
Decmeber 2018
LRA Petition re Railway Cottages - Havant Borough Council Letter. Copy of the Petition.
November 2018
Southmere Field - Southmere Group important notice
Southmere Field important notice
October 2018
Havant Borough Environment Group Online Survey Letter and Online Questionnaire
Read the Autumn newsletter
September 2018
Read the Cycle Path and ESCP Site Investigation works important notice and notification
June 2018
Read the minutes of the AGM and accounts
May 2018 - AGM
Notice of AGM - 10 May 2018
March 2018
The Havant Civic Society is having a meeting on Thursday 26 April at St Faith's Church, at 7.30p. Read the details here.
February 2018
Read about the Southmoor footpath diversion to facilitate the construction of the sea defences.
February 2018
The Havant Music Festival is from 15 - 25 March at various venues around Havant. See
January 2018
Read the Spring Newsletter
November 2017
Read the Case Against Southmere Field and supporting copy email. This requires your urgent attention
September 2017
Read the Autumn newsletter
September 2017
Read the flyer from Langstone Village Association about the covenant on Southmere Field and the proposed "lifting" of it.
August 2017
Read Natural England's Report about England Coast path - Portsmouth to South Hayling. Comments by 13 September 2017. Also read it on the government website here
August 2017
Read the letter from Hampshire County Council about the Langstone Road cycling andpPedestrian infrastructure work which starts on1 August for 6 weeks.
July 2017
Monday 24 July 2017 - Environment Agency workshop at Langstone Sailing Club
3pm - 7pm
to see the EA's preferred option for flood defences at Southmoor.
May 2017
Read the minutes of the AGM, Accounts and Chairman's Statement
April 2017
The Environment Agency are currently investigating the best way to manage the flood risk at Southmoor. They will be hosting an exhibition where they will be presenting their initial proposals and seeking the views of the public.
The exhibition will be:
3pm to 7pm
Tuesday 9 May
Langstone Sailing Club, Langstone Road, Langstone.
The Environment Agency's project team will be available during this session and will be happy to answer any questions relating to the project.
March 2017
The Hampshire County Council, together with their Agent Havant Borough Council, propose to extend the cycle path from Mill Lane northwards to the junction with the access road into Langstone Technology Park. A letter has been sent to house holders whom the Council Officers feel most likely to be affected by the plan. The intention is to widen the western footpath adjacent to the A3023 - Langstone Road so that it can accommodate a cycle path. This will involve narrowing the highway north of the Southbrook Road and altering the Langbrook Close junction by removing the small deceleration and acceleration 'slip' lanes. The scheme is designed to avoid the loss of the existing mature tree which currently creates a 'pinch' point in the footpath. The explanatory letter, dated 21st February 2017, and the design drawings are here. Please note the design Engineer invites comments on the proposal.February 2017
See the details on the Planning News page of planning application for 210 houses plus apartments on Hayling Island which will affect our traffic
January 2017
The Local Plan is being worked upon and a programme has now been published by the Borough Council. See here
January 2017
See the public consultation about dogs - Who let the dogs out?
January 2017
Join in Walking for Health- free to attend and suitable for people of all abilities, from beginners to more experienced walkers. Read the leaflet