June 2022
Following our earlier email about the proposed changes affecting Langstone, the LRA has now submitted a formal letter of Rejection to the Boundary Commissioners. A copy of that letter is attached. The full Boundary Commission Report covering the whole of Havant is also attached. If one studies the map, on page 16, it is clear the residential part of Langstone is taken out of St Faith's Ward together with a part of Bridge Lake and Sweare Deep and put into a newly named Hayling West & Langstone Ward, while Langstone Park and the Broadmarsh light industrial area remain in St Faith's! This proposal simply allows the Commissioners to increase the number of electors in what otherwise is a very low density and lightly populated part of Hayling Island to the detriment of our community.
The terms of reference set by Statute are (1) Equality of representation, (2) Reflecting community interests and identities, (3) Providing for effective and convenient local government.
The creation of a new ward based on simple statistics, and the numbers used are questionable, and suggesting we have shared community interests is totally unreal and will not result in effective and convenient local government. A ward stretching from Sinah Common, West Town and going up to the A27 trunk road and including Langstone makes no sense. We are different communities with differing aspirations which a councillor would have problems properly representing. It is vitally important that we have appropriate and informed political representation to deal with matters on our doorstep. The existing arrangement within St Faith's ward works well and, as the saying goes, "if it ain't broke don't fix it!" The local Conservative Association do not want this change and our present councillors have given a similar opinion.
Public consultations rarely achieve much response from the population they affect. This is to be regretted because without feedback the Commission will see disinterest or apathy and simply proceed with their proposal. The volume of comments matter, they demonstrate interest and must be considered. For that reason, please write to the Commissioners and express an opinion. It doesn't need to be a long or detailed comment and feel free to take any points from this note. The easiest method is an email to reviews@lgbce.org.uk - however, the postal address is Review Officer (Havant), The Local Government Boundary Commission for England, PO Box 133, BLYTH, NE24 9FE.
Report Boundary Commission On Havant.pdf
l 13 06 22 signed Boundary Changes.docx
January 2022
A joint LRA/LVA group met with the Project Team for the above proposal, virtually, on the 5 January.
A note of the meeting has been prepared and is attached. It is a rather lengthy document at 4 pages and 'heavy going'! However, the site owners will be submitting an Outline Planning Application to Havant Borough Council next month, so it is important we benefit from this further information when commenting formally on the Application.
The essential message is the scheme has the support of the Local Authority, is a plan to be implemented over a 10-year period and seeks to re-focus the employment type to one of high technology users. The suggestion made is there will be less people working on the site and therefore less traffic generation. The Technical Team are setting ambitious targets, but the weakness is the inability of the Owner to guarantee the type and quality of prospective occupants of the site.
December 2021
Langstone Park
This message is important. Please read the associated letter and visit the Virtual Consultation.
Langstone Park Consultation Letter
Langstone Park Virtual Consultation
July 2021
SOUTHMERE FIELD - Planning Objection Letter.
October 2020
Consultation On Changes To Planning And Policy Regulations Email
January 2020
Langstone Technology Park Updates
Another letter to the Havant Planners about the LTP planning application. The LRA is not objecting to the development proposed for the site, simply making the point about the traffic which enters the site each morning from the A3023.
LTP Objection No 2 16012020 Doc
December 2019
Havant Borough Local Plan
Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 Pre-Submission Plan
August 2019
Langstone Technology Park Updates
- Important Notice LTP Planning Application.docx
- LTP Planning Drawing 1 20190815_13034951.pdf
- LTP Planning Drawing 2 20190815_13060166.pdf
- LTP Planning Drawing 3 20190815_13075278.pdf
July 2019
Langstone Technology Park
Proposals have been announced by the new owners to make significant changes to Langstone Technology Park. Preliminary proposals were shown to the public at a Development Consultation Forum held on the 21 May 2019. The attached drawings set out the concept. The LRA Committee resolved to comment on the early ideas and the Secretary addressed the meeting. Those comments are also attached.
We await the outcome of the meeting, and a new set of proposals.
- LRA letter of objection submitted to HBC
- DCF LTP invitation letter 120190702_11435473.pdf
- DCF LTP site plan 220190702_11453407.pdf
- DCF LTP Briefing Note 1 20190702_11472223.pdf
- DCF LTP Briefing Note 2 20190702_11484288.pdf
- LRA Langstone Technology Park 18 May 2019.doc
March 2019
Pre-Submission Local Plan Consultation
The Local Plan 2036 was approved by Havant Borough Council on 30 January 2019. It is now being prepared for submission to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government in late summer this year. It will then be subjected to an Examination by the Planning Inspectorate towards the end of 2019.
Currently the Local Plan is going through a Pre-Submission Consultation seeking to ensure the Plan is Sound and Legally Compliant with the relevant legislation. Any comments made will be assessed and the Plan may be modified if the Local Planning Authority consider it appropriate to recognise the validity of any of the comments.
The Langstone Residents' Association Committee has prepared and submitted a response focusing on Policy IN2 and IN4, which relate to traffic matters and the Transport Assessment for Hayling Island and Policy KP6 (Langstone Technology Park). Those submissions are attached.
- Pre Submission Form 2-IN2
- Pre Submission Form PDF IN4 Version 3
- Pre Submission Form KP6-ACTIVE PDF.pdf
February 2019
January 2019
October 2018
Havant Borough Environment Group Online Survey Letter and Online Questionnaire
February 2018
Read about the Southmoor footpath diversion to facilitate the construction of the sea defences.
January 2018
Update from HBC about Local Plan 2036
This [email] is to update you on the progress we are making on the Havant Borough Local Plan 2036. The Council has published a draft version of the Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 for public consultation.
The plan sets out a draft strategy to inform and guide the development of housing, commerce, infrastructure and community facilities up to 2036.
Building on the Local Plan Housing Statement which was adopted last year, the Draft Local Plan contains far more detail about what development is expected to provide including the necessary infrastructure. The Draft Local Plan also sets out how the impact of development on the Borough’s built, natural and historic environment should be managed. We are keen to get your insight and feedback to further shape and refine the emerging plan.
The Draft Local Plan, together with a series of summary booklets, can be viewed at www.havant.gov.uk/localplan, as well as at the Public Service Plaza and all the libraries in the Borough.
We are also holding a series of public exhibitions throughout the consultation period.
These will give you the opportunity to find out more about what is proposed in the Draft Local Plan and discuss it with Council officers. Please note that all of the exhibitions will be the same and so if you cannot make the date for the one closest to you, please feel free to come along to another one.
All feedback about the Draft Havant Borough Local Plan 2036 is welcomed. The easiest way to respond to the consultation is by completing the online survey which is available on the website at www.havant.gov.uk/localplan.
Please make sure comments are submitted no later than 16th February 2018.
The Council is also reviewing its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which sets charges that developers pay towards the cost of infrastructure. A new Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule has been published for consultation alongside the Draft Local Plan. Further information can be found at http://www.havant.gov.uk/community-infrastructure-charging-schedule-review.
If you have any further queries, you can contact the Planning Policy team by emailing policy.design@havant.gov.uk or calling 023 9244 6539.
December 2017
Havant Borough Council's Cabinet approved the proposal to put the Draft Local Plan 2036 out to public consultation at its meeting on the 18th December 2017. See here. This is an important matter of concern to all residents of Havant. The particular immediate worry is the consequential additional traffic to be placed on the A3023 which will pass through Langstone. Also, please note the reference to the upgrading and expansion of the Langstone Technology Park. This is not a negative in itself, but the resultant extra traffic will create more problems on our roads. The Association's Secretary made a deputation to Cabinet on this matter, and his submission is here.
December 2017
Read the flyer from Langstone Village Association about the planning application which has been submitted to Havant Borough Council for works of "Managed Retreat" at Southmoor. This involves allowing the existing sea defence wall to fail and flood Southmoor Field at times of high tide. The applicant is the Environment Agency.
December 2017
Managed Retreat at Southmoor
The Environment Agency has submitted its proposals for the "Managed Retreat" at Southmoor and you are encouraged to look at the details of the application and make comment to the Local Planning Authority. The Application Number is APP/17/01250. The link is https://planningpublicaccess.havant.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=DCAPR_242378
Here is the Design and Access Statement
December 2017
As you may know, Havant Borough Council has terminated its lease of part of this car park, as it no longer wishes to be responsible for maintenance. The owners, Hampshire County Council, are seeking to maximise the revenue-earning potential of the site. This means that the days of free parking are coming to an end. Many users are likely to be affected by any charges being levied.
You are urged to write to the two councilors who are involved in negotiations:
Tim Pike (Cabinet Member, Havant Borough Council, and Ward Member for St Faith’s) : tim.pike@havant.gov.uk
Ray Bolton (Hampshire County Council, representing Emsworth and St Faith’s) : ray.bolton@hants.gov.uk
November 2017
Read the Case Against Southmere Field and supporting copy email. This requires your urgent attention
February 2017
An Outline Planning Application has been submitted to Havant Borough Council for a development on farm land off St Mary’s Road, Hayling Island. It is a speculative application by a company specialising in obtaining planning permissions, which it then offers to a contractor/developer who may then carry out the works. The submission by Gladman Developments Limited is for 210 houses plus a 1000 m2 of ‘apartments with care’. See attached illustrative layout plan submitted by the applicant.
The application has been made at a time when the Council has resolved to place on hold all new large scale building on Hayling Island pending the publication of an Infrastructure Study, which will examine the capacity of this part of the Borough to accept growth. The impact of additional house building on this scale will have a serious effect on Langstone because the only access road to Hayling is the A3023 – Langstone Road. Several inducements are to be offered, among them an idea to increase the length of the two lane section of carriageway south of the A27 (Langstone Interchange).
Such a plan, on this already heavily used road, will increase the risk to pedestrians, cyclists and local motorists when they attempt to cross or join the A3023. The Langstone Residents’ Association has examined the Application and, after due consideration, submitted an ‘Objection’ on the grounds of highway capacity and traffic volume. The matter is currently at the ‘Statutory Consultation’ stage during which anyone with an interest may comment. The consultation period ends Friday 17 February 2017.
Details of the Application, reference APP/17/00007, may be viewed on Havant Borough Council’s website at https://planningpublicaccess.havant.gov.uk.
January 2017
The Local Plan is being worked upon and a programme has now been published by the Borough Council. See here
November 2016
Havant Borough Council, DRAFT LOCAL PLAN 2036
More than 900 responses have been submitted to Havant Borough Council concerning plans to allocate many of our green open spaces for development with housing.
Please read the leaflet, recently distributed, “Are you concerned about Havant Borough’s Green Fields”. The heavy volume of objections to the draft Local Plan Housing Statement July 2016 has resulted in the preparation of an addendum paper “Additional Recommendations and Supplementary Information” being provided to Councillors before the Cabinet Meeting held on 16th November 2016. The proposals were agreed and will go before Full Council on 7th December 2016.
The proposed Plan, if adopted, may impact directly on Langstone because the developments, under consideration for Hayling Island, will create in consequence an immediate increase in traffic on the A3023 – Langstone Road. This element of the draft Local Plan is now being withdrawn, until a promised Infrastructure Delivery Statement has been prepared and approved by the Council.
However, the recent amendment to the Draft Local Plan, raises the possibility that the land known as “Southmere”, the field to the west of Langstone Road, may be considered for housing in the future. Therefore, the Langstone Residents’ Association (LRA) is alerting members to this possibility but noting it is not currently part of the Plan to be reviewed by the Council on 7th December.
See http://www.havant.gov.uk/localplan
The LRA is closely monitoring the situation so that we are fully prepared for any development proposals that may affect Southmere. We know this field is of great importance to the character and history of Langstone and we will be mobilising our members’ full support when the time comes.
DP 28/11/16
October 2016
There is an active campaign in Havant against the proposed Draft Local Plan - Housing Statement. All the residents associations have joined together, to form the Havant Borough Residents' Alliance (HBRA), a body to oppose the Plan. Means of informing the public are being considered. The following are in the HBRA:
Emsworth Residents Association
Hayling Island Residents Association
Langstone Residents Assocation
Langstone Village Association
North East Hayling Residents Association
Warblington and Denvilles Residents Assocation
West Bedhampton Residents Assocation
Friends of the Earth
Council for the Preservation of Rural England
These Associations, together with Friends of the Earth and CPRE formed the Alliance and are in debate with the Havant Borough Council.
Read the letter written by the Alliance to HBC about the plan.
Read the letter written by CPRE to HBC about the plan.
September 2016
Mill Lane Conservation Area - see here
August 2016
Emsworth RA have requested our co-operation in publising this notice to our LRA members
August 2016
Read LRA's comments on the Local Plan
August 2016
Land to rear of 15 Langstone Road, Havant, PO9 1RA. Proposed erection of 5No. 2 bedroom flats with associated garages and parking, bins and amenity space. Read the details.
Read LRA's response about this development.
August 2016
Read the Local Plan Newsletter and see the Poster
July 2016 - Draft Local Plan
Members should be aware of the publication of Havant Borough Council's new Draft Local Plan Housing Statement and the Local Plan up to 2036. A public consultation period has commenced, from Monday 25 July, and runs until 9 September 2016.
The implications are significant. The document identifies a need for the Borough to provide 11,500 new homes - based on Government targets, explains the proposal for the 6,447 already in the pipeline and then discusses how to accommodate the remaining 4,803. These proposals have been reported in the local news paper.
Some 555 new homes - (Table 2 para 3.10 of the Draft Local Plan) are proposed for Hayling Island, and the implications for our roads, and other basic infrastructure needs, must be a concern for every resident.
Members are urged to read the documents and comment to the Local Authority within the stated timescale. The requisite links are:
and www.havant.gov.uk/localplan
Mill Lane Conservation Area Draft Character Appraisal 2016
March 2016
This is the finished Premier Inn